Flower Ice Cubes

Today's DIY: Edible Flower Ice Cubes!!

These fresh frozen blossoms are the perfect way to dress up a cocktail, ice bucket, or even just water. Up your beverage with the prettiest ice cubes ever!!



  1. Get your florals. If you'll be using them for drinks, make sure to purchase the edible variety - otherwise for ice buckets you can pick any ice cube tray sized arrangement from your local florist.

  2. Fill your ice cube tray half way and arrange florals as desired. We only fill halfway up first because we don't want the flowers floating up at the top of the tray. Place in freezer until frozen.

  3. Fill your ice cube tray up to the top, fully submerging the florals. Place back in freezer until frozen through.

  4. Remove from freezer at moment of use - and enjoy!

Check out our Reels for a mini tutorial video!
