Successfully entertaining in a small space comes down to balancing two opposing concepts: being organized and going with the flow. You're probably wondering what we mean by that...
For example, it's important to have a clear vision of the event - this is the being organized part. You need to decide whether your gathering is going to be planned as a sit-down meal or a standing-up-and-snacking affair—anything in between is too tricky in a small space. That decision will lead the following decisions: your menu and setup. Try your best to imagine the guests' experience and the flow of the event.
Once you've laid out the general roadmap for the night - that's where you need to let the reigns hang loose a bit. Here are two ways we like to forgo a bit of control and actually help finalize your 'set plans':
Lose the strict guest list:
Don’t let the size of your space deter you from having the guest list you want. Instead of fretting that those extra 3-4 people may not 'fit', just invite who you want! As mentioned above, YOU get to decide the layout of the night. To us, a full room feels festive, while a big empty space with little clusters of guests can be a little sad. We can say with confidence that most don't mind a cozy atmosphere, they’re just delighted someone invited them over and is cooking for them!
Make the timing lose:
An open-house style gathering is a great way to get more people into your space - without worrying about running out of it. This allows for more of a flow of people rather than a set arrival and departure time for a large group. Some trickle in at the beginning, some later, and everyone is free to leave at the time that works best for them.
While the thought of these two tips may stress some of our fellow hosts out, we promise it's far less of a headache in the end when it comes to this type of party!
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