Pink Heirloom Tomato Salad with Truffle Burrata

Next on the aphrodisiac ingredient list - the truffle!

Did you know that that prominent truffle smell is actually a release chemical scents similar to pheromones produced by mammals? But with a combination of strong smell and flavour, a little goes a long way!

So that's why we've incorporated it into this starter - our Pink Heirloom Tomato Salad with Truffle Burrata ❤️ Call it a lovers twist on the Caprese!

4 heirloom tomatoes in shades of pink
1 truffle burrata ball (@Eataly makes a fabulous one in house!)
Fresh basil
Fresh mint
Extra virgin olive oil
Salt & pepper
1/4 cup crushed unsalted pistachios

1. Slice your tomatoes into about 1cm thick rounds. Arrange on desired board of serving plate.
2. Add your burrata. For this recipe we like to tear pieces and lay them evenly on top of the tomatoes.
3. Add your leaves of basil, mint, and crushed pistachios. Drizzle with olive oil.
4. Sprinkle with salt and fresh cracked pepper!

If you instead would like to plate as individual salads, simply repeat the above steps onto separate plates.

Peak perfect heirloom tomatoes with creamy burrata cheese is one of the best food combinations in existence - and the truffle flavour only amplifies everything!

Be sure to save this one down, it's sure to turn into a summer favourite as well!