High Tea Party

This month we’re diving into a classic English tradition that is all about a midday indulgence - High Tea!⁣

While throwing an afternoon tea party may not be something you have thought about since your younger years, it is certainly a great excuse to gather with friends and family - while enjoying the finer things in life! What's great about this theme is that it can be as complex, or simple as you like! As those who have been following along will know, we like to keep things easy and manageable - which will be our exact approach, call it Seb & Sheila's 'How-To High Tea'!⁣

Like any age old tradition, there are do's and don'ts. Not necessarily rules, but guidelines. So today we're sharing are top tips when hosting a tea party!⁣

Top 5 Do's:⁣

1. Use a 3-layered tiered tray. This item makes all the difference in bringing the feel of a real tea party to the table - and the most beautiful way to display your delicate finger foods. Speaking of food, there is also a proper way to layer you confections on the various levels: Top Tier: sweets, Middle Tier: scones, breads, pastries, and Bottom Tier: savoury bites and tea sandwiches.⁣

2. Eat from top to bottom. First course will be the savoury bites and tea sandwiches, next the scones, and finally the sweets.⁣

3. Serve scones with clotted cream and strawberry jam.⁣

4. Opt for loose tea over tea bags. The flavours become more pronounced, and the experience is simply more elegant.⁣

5. Offer “real” tea and properly brew it: English Breakfast, Earl Grey, Lady Grey, etc. Steep the tea for the approprate length of time. No one wants watered down flavour!⁣

Now that you have the basics down, the rest is up to you! As you can probably imagine, there are a ton of etiquette do's and don'ts as well, but like always - we also want to keep entertaining fun! So if a guest lifts their pinky, or stirs their tea the wrong way, that's fine in our books. ⁣

We can't wait to share more recipes, DIYs, and even steeped cocktail with you this month - so be sure to follow along!!⁣