Frozen Yogurt Sundae Bar

A Frozen Yogurt Sundae Bar is the ultimate dessert choice for a kids' party, and here's why!

First, it's interactive and fun. Kids get to be their own dessert architects, choosing their favourite frozen yogurt flavours and piling on a delightful array of toppings. It's a hands-on experience that sparks creativity and excitement.

Second, it's customizable. With a variety of yogurt flavours and toppings, everyone can create their dream dessert. From colourful sprinkles to fresh fruits, there's something for every palate, even the pickiest eaters.

Third, it's a healthier option. Frozen yogurt offers a lower-fat alternative to traditional ice cream, and kids won't even notice the difference because it's so delicious.

Now all you need is a creamy scoopable frozen yogurt and we have the perfect recipe! (You will need an ice cream maker for this recipe - and we highly recommend having one in your arsenal as an entertainer!)


3 3/4 cups full-fat plain yogurt

1 cup sugar

1/4 teaspoon kosher salt


Whisk yogurt, sugar, and salt together in a mixing bowl until sugar has completely dissolved. Chill in an ice bath or refrigerate until yogurt registers at least 45°F on an instant-read thermometer (i.e. thoroughly chilled—this is roughly fridge temperature).

Churn yogurt in your ice cream machine according to the manufacturer's instructions. Scoop and eat like soft serve, or transfer the ice cream to an airtight container and chill in the freezer for at least 4 to 5 hours before serving.

The last step is to set up whatever toppings you want and let the little ones do the rest!

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