A Brunch Party with Kids - Watermelon Pizza and Kids Cocktail

Regarding brunch, we believe in the adage “the more, the merrier.” Brunch is the best time to host people of all ages and interests, so we advise having a food and drink menu for the younger audience.

This healthy snack pairs effortlessly with a kid’s cocktail and is perfect for hosting kids at a spring brunch party! The Watermelon “Pizza” is the tastiest way to incorporate yogurt and fruit into your kids’ menu while keeping it fun! 🍉🍹

For your brunch party, we suggest putting out carafes of fresh juice with matching frozen garnishes; typically, we offer pink grapefruit, pineapple, and cranberry juices, but use whatever your guests are likely to enjoy. We also like to put out flavour-infused sparkling water. Any sparkling water works, but we recommend sugar-free options.

Watermelon “Pizza”
yield: serves 6 - prep time: 10 minutes

1 small watermelon
½ cup vanilla Greek yogurt
6 gooseberries, leaves removed
6 large blueberries
6 blackberries
3 Tbsp pomegranate seeds

Cut the watermelon at the center into a 2-inch-thick disk

Place the watermelon disk on a cutting board and cut across it to make 6 slices. Spread the yogurt onto each slice and top with gooseberries, blueberries, blackberries, and pomegranate seeds. Serve immediately.

Kid’s Cocktail
yield: makes 1 cocktail • prep time: 2 minutes

¼ cup soda water
%, cup pink grapefruit, pineapple, cranberry juice

Combine the juice and soda water in a kid-friendly cup and serve!

Ready to entertain your little guests? Share your own kid-friendly food and drink ideas in the comment section below!

Be sure to check us out on Instagram @sebandsheila!⁣